Brohammer40K's latest activity
  • Brohammer40K
    Brohammer40K reacted to Redcarmoose's reply to a review on item TRN TA1 Max Universal In Ear Monitor with Like Like.
    Lol. Thank-you for the encouragement! In all honesty the TA1 Max is a watershed release for TRN. I still can’t believe this level of...
  • Brohammer40K
    Brohammer40K reacted to Carpet's reply to a review on item TRN TA1 Max Universal In Ear Monitor with Like Like.
    It's nice to have an enjoyable read rather than just dry information. A lot of other reviews consist of a quick skim past the pro's and...
  • Brohammer40K
    Brohammer40K posted a reply to a review on the item Hifiman R7DX JM Edition Mod.
    I picked up a pair and really enjoyed them. They're less 'polite' and more V-shaped than my DT1990 but the bass might hit harder, better...